
Autohatch™  Photo Gallery

Autohatch™ Photo Gallery

Autohatch™ Photos

Autohatch™ open on tank trailer
Autohatch™ PLC panel controls the opening and closing of the hatch
Person mounting Autohatch™
Two technicians working on the installation of the hatch
Autohatch™ closed on a tank trailer
Autohatch™ opening and mounted on a tanker trailer
Motor for Autohatch™
Hatch open half way
Autohatch™ cover closed
Two trucks loading with Autohatch™
Tanker trailer with Autohatch™
Control panel for Autohatch™
View of the hatch opening
Autohatch™ mounted on a dry bulk tanker trailer
Mounting Autohatch™ to a tanker trailer
Autohatch™ open on truck
Hatch closed on tanker truck

“The time that it takes to load, is just phenomenal. Just pull under and load and go. Loading doubles and putting 56 ton on, 20 minutes. I set my 30 minute break, and I wound up having to wait 10 minutes.”

Keith B.

“I am very happy with the performance of the hatch. It has been working flawlessly for me. Anytime I can avoid getting up on top the tanker, it’s a huge bonus for me.”

Tim H.

“The time that is taken to open and close your lids, accessed from either a ramp or fall protection… with an automatic lid, you can open your lid and close it and you’re on your way. Over time you’ll save a lot of time. Time is money. It just makes good sense to not go up there if you don’t have to go up there.”

Keith B.

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